Invisalign Treatment
The Invisalign treatment is recognized for its efficiency as well as its comfort. It is a tailor-made solution, specially adapted to the dental condition of each patient. Gradually, these transparent aligners are discreet and will help you obtain a harmonious and remarkable result, without causing any pain!
Pediatric Orthodontics
Your child’s dental and oral health is very important and an assessment starting at the age of 7 can help prevent certain problems related to the development of their teeth and jaw. Consult us to assess your child’s dental condition and establish a treatment plan created and adapted to their specific needs.
ClearCorrect Treatment
To achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of, consider the ClearCorrect treatment. This aligner system is produced using a material that is thinner and more comfortable than that of its competitors, allowing it to be offered to you at a competitive price. Book an appointment with an orthodontist!
Book a consultation in Tétreaultville
By consulting the office of this orthodontist located near Tétreaultville, you make sure to do business with a dynamic team, composed of diversified professionals in whom you can trust. All members of this clinic have your interest at heart and that’s why you will get beautiful straight teeth thanks to clear aligners technology. A consultation with Dr. Frédéric Lavoie will allow you to obtain all the necessary information to plan your dental treatment that will be carried out according to your needs.
Sectors served:
Get a consultationThe benefits of orthodontics
In Tétreaultville, you can count on one of our excellent orthodontic treatments to align your teeth. Make an appointment with this orthodontist located near Tetreaultville to get beautiful straight teeth!
Do not hesitate to consult Dr. Frédéric Lavoie’s office for more information on an Invisalign® treatment or a conventional braces treatment to obtain a radiant smile.
Get a consultationTestimony
Très bon service! J’y suis allée pour faire recoller mon fil lingual, mon orthodontiste étant retraité. Les filles à la réception étaient vraiment gentilles et l’hygiéniste Geneviève très attentionnée. J’ai trouvé Dr Lavoie très professionnel.
Marie-Belle Monchamp il y a un anBelle équipe professionnelle.Tout les employés sont souriants! J’ai beaucoup hésitée à faire mon traitement, mais cette équipe a su comment gagner ma confiance. Je recommande beaucoup!
Andrea Garcia il y a un anLe docteur Lavoie est vraiment gentil/professionnel. J’adore mes dents merci beaucoup … Ils font un bon suivit du progrès et ne t’abandonnent pas. Les secrétaires sont extrêmement gentilles/adorables. Plusieurs des filles sont gentilles. Bref, je recommande fortement cet endroit.. je répète les secrétaires offrent un excellent service.
J M il y a un moisFAQ
Both have completed university studies in dental surgery. Orthodontists, however, have an additional specialization in dental and skeletal malocclusions, in addition to teeth and jaw alignment
To monitor jaw development and tooth eruption, the first appointment with an orthodontist can be made at around age 7. However, in the most serious cases, the first consultations can take place at the age of 4 or 5.
At Clinique d’orthodontie F. Lavoie, you’ll find orthodontic care for children and adults alike. For your new smile, the clinic offers treatment with Invisalign® invisible braces and, more recently, ClearCorrect braces.
The average length of orthodontic treatment is estimated at 20 months (approximately 2 years). However, the duration will vary according to the patient’s age or the severity of the malocclusion (position of the teeth). Some cases may go beyond this estimate.
Following the initial consultation, your orthodontic treatment will have a follow-up appointment every 4 or 6 weeks. These appointments are important to check the progress of your treatment.