women holding an invisalign aligner between her fingers


blogue quel age consulter orthodontiste

9 December 2019 | Dr. Frédéric Lavoie

What age should my child consult an orthodontist?

As parents, you have probably asked yourself a lot of questions concerning your child’s oral health. Here are the questions that come up most often when it comes time to assess their orthodontic needs : Should we wait for the child to have all their adult teeth? Should we intervene as quickly as possible? Is […]

Exemple d'un aligneur transparent Invisalign

18 November 2019 | Dr. Frédéric Lavoie

How long is an Invisalign® treatment?

The Invisalign® treatment The Invisalign® treatment is an orthodontic treatment that allows the alignment of teeth effectively and painlessly. Thanks to the use of transparent aligners, you will be able to obtain the smile you have always dreamed of, without the use of metal braces. Invisalign® uses a patented thermoplastic material and 3D imaging to […]

Femme souriante démontrant les broches conventionnelles versus le traitement invisalign

15 November 2019 | Dr. Frédéric Lavoie

Conventional orthodontic braces vs. Invisalign®?

There are several methods of aligning teeth, such as conventional braces, clear aligners and more. Discover the differences between the available treatments in order to make an informed choice.  Conventional braces treatment Braces are a conventional method that has been proven effective over the years. The alignment of the teeth is done progressively with the […]

Femme installant son traitement Invisalign

8 April 2019 | Dr. Frédéric Lavoie

What is the price of an Invisalign treatment?

Obtenez le prix d’un traitement Invisalign en consultant une clinique d’orthodontie située à Montréal ou dans les environs.